
History of video games

In this part of the website we are going to talk about the history of videogames, but you have to consider that we will cover only a span of twenty years, which begins from 1971 and ends on 7 August 1991, with the debut of the World Wide Web (WWW).
We divided the history of video games in three periods: 1971-1977, 1978-1986 and 1987-1991. Each of the periods starts with an important event and ends with the conclusion of a particular era.

If you want to learn more about the history of video games, you just have to select in the summary the period in which you are interested.

The underside shows a summary of the events that led to the choice of the periods:

Galaxy Game
Galaxy Game
  • 1971-1977

    This span of time begins with the creation in 1971 of Galaxy Game (figure at the top right), one of the earliest arcade (coin-operated) video games, and Computer Space, the first mass-manufactured and commercially sold arcade video game. It is also important to mention that in 1972 starts the era of the first generation consoles, which will end in 1977.

Space Invaders
Space Invaders


Obviously the history of video games does not end in 1991, but it continues until our days.