Microsoft Corporation

Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational corporation based in Redmond, Washington. Microsoft is known for its computer softwares, consumer electronics and personal computers services.


Microsoft was founded on April 4 of 1975, Microsoft First Logo by Bill Gates and Paul Allen with the purpose to sell BASIC interpreters for the MITS Altair 8800. Basic is a high-level programming languages, created by them under the company Micro-Soft.
Bill and Paul first company's name was Traf-O-Data, it was founded in 1972 with the purpose to analyse traffic data. The company did not have success, but it led to the creation Micro-Soft, which was Microsoft original name. Paul choose this name because it was a combination of two important words, microprocessor and software.
In 1980 Microsoft introduced its own operating system, based on Unix, which at Microsoft was named Xenix.
Later Microsoft released the MS-DOS, an OS for personal computers. Its target was machine with intel 8086 processors. It was the most commonly OS used p by IBM PC untill when it was substituted by others OS with a GUI.
While working on a new OS called OS/2 with IBM, Microsoft made a big step introducing a graphical extension for the MS-DOS. The new operating system was called "Windows". In reality the new operating system, developed in parallel with OS/2, was a flop for a series of reason, but still was the basis of the known Microsoft Windows.
During 1990 Microsoft introduced its new software, Microsoft office which was an office suite for desktops that with the time, became one of the most famous software in the world.

Operating System


Xenix is an operating system based on UNIX and developed by Microsoft.
In 1979 Microsoft bought the rights to use UNIX codes. The first generation version of Xenix was similar to the ones developed by AT\&T. Later Microsoft improved its system we new codes.


86-DOS was an operating system created by Seattle Computer Products for computers with Intel 8086 microprocessors. Microsoft bought this system because of the compatibility with the requirements of IBM. After the acquisition and some improvements the 86- DOS became the MS-DOS.


Microsoft Disk Operating System a.k.a MS-DOS, was an operating system marketed by Microsoft Corporation. This OS was created for personal computers with x86 microprocessors.
Marketed since june 1982, MS-DOS during the '80 had much of the OS market.
MS-DOS was able to run just one program per time. MS-DOS was developed looking at the limits of IBM's personal computer.
MS-DOS last release was in september 2000.


OS/2 was a family of operating systems developed from IBM in collaboration with Microsoft. Released in 1987, the first version didn't have any graphical user interface. Since version 1.1 (1988) OS/2 had a graphical user interface, but because some difficulty on the developing of the OS/2 2.0, Microsoft decided to develop its own OS/2 version,which then was called Windows NT.

Microsoft Graphical Interface OS

Windows 1.0

Windows 1.0 is a graphical interface for operating system. The first release was on November 20, 1985, when Microsoft tried to compete with Apple's operating system.
With this operating system, instead to write MS-DOS commands, you can use the mouse and select what you want. Windows 1.0 was the result of an extension of its MS-DOS, called MS-DOS Executive.

Windows 2.0

After the fail of Windows 1.0, Microsoft added new features to it, creating Windows 2.0. The major failure of Windows 1.0 was that it was not able to overlap windows. For this reason Microsoft added the feature to overlap windows, added some other keyboard-shortcuts to simplify the work inside the OS, and a VGA graphics.
The first version of Microsoft Word was installed on Windows 2.0

Microsoft Softwares


Calculator is a built-in application present in all versions of Microsoft Windows since its creation.


Notepad is a text editor introduced with Microsoft Windows 1.0 in 1985.
Notepad did not have any big updates since its creation, there are few command, which make this editor one of the simplest on the market.


Microsoft Write is a word processor released with Microsoft Windows 1.0 until Windows NT 3.5. The first extensions of this product were ".wri" files, but with the time and some updates Write started to save files with the extension ".doc".
Write had some features not present in Notepad. It gave the possibility to the user to choose the fonts, the decorations and the indentation.
Whit the time Write became Word, and they also added new futures, like Undo and display word in bold, italic and the possibility to underline.


Microsoft Terminal was a emulator inside the GUI, which allow a person to interact directly with the machine.
Terminal was introduced with Windows 1.0